Category Archives: collaboration

Diagnostic session

Photo of horses in car parkDudley’s diagnostic session took place on 18 March 2013, with 22 people taking part.

A surprise as we arrived at the venue, INSIGHT House, was that 3 horses had decided the car park was a great place to be, and the police had cordoned off the entrance!

This didn’t stop us though. We soon got started and found out that the objectives of the morning were to: 

  • Understand the programme, the context and the logistics
  • Get to know each other
  • Establish a baseline for evaluating Building Health Partnerships in Dudley
  • Share perspectives on national and local context of commissioning of health and care services
  • Jointly identify problems and begin to explore 

We began with discussions in small groups identifying the experience and skills we each bought to the programme, and what would be needed to keep us hooked in. An overview of responses is provided in the notes from the session available to download.

Photo of picture postcards spread out on a tableNext we considered ‘what does good partnership look like?’ Everyone was invited to look at an array of picture postcards and individually select one which illustrated what partnership working well in Dudley looks like, and another which illustrated partnership working at its worst. This was a really useful activity as it enabled people to hear each other’s perspectives as they explained their choices of postcards. It also surfaced common aspirations and concerns between people from different organisations incompletely different roles.



Baseline position

We then worked in groups to develop a baseline for Building Health Partnerships in Dudley. Taking in to account ratings from all groups, we positioned ourselves in relation to the following statements:

  • The CCG is meaningfully engaged with the community: 4 out of 10
  • There is trust and understanding between VCSE, CCG , Health and Wellbeing Board/the Council: 3 out of 10
  • Senior Staff show leadership in transforming health commissioning and delivery: 5 out of 10
  • VCSE is effectively engaged in health commissioning and delivery: 3 out of 10
  • There are opportunities to share learning and experience of effective approaches to cross sector health commissioning: 3 out of 10

We listened to short presentations from Paul Maubach (Chief Officer, Dudley CCG), Brendan Clifford (Assistant Director, Dudley MBC) and Andy Gray (Chief Officer, Dudley CVS) about the local picture from their perspectives.

Following this we were led through an activity to develop some potential objectives for our work over the coming months. Three themes bubbled up from a variety of ideas: bringing information sources together; engagement; and research, evaluation and impact of the VCSE.